NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Pakistani man living in New York was found guilty on Wednesday of wiring money and trying to send a foot soldier to a Sikh militant separatist group opposed to the Indian government. Khalid Awan was found guilty in Brooklyn federal court of transferring $25,000 and trying to recruit Harjit Singh, a former fellow prison inmate, to the Khalistan Commando Force in 2003.
Awan faces a maximum of 45 years in prison when he is sentenced on March 7. He was found guilty of all counts he faced, including providing material support or resources to terrorists and money laundering to promote terrorism. Awan was detained on federal credit card fraud charges as a material witness shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.
Inside prison he met Singh, who federal authorities say he introduced to Khalistan Commando Force leader Paramjit Singh Panjwar through phone calls placed from the prison -- in the hopes that after Singh's release he would travel to Lahore, Pakistan, to join the group. But Singh turned on Awan, telling federal authorities of his relationship with Panjwar, and Awan was soon being taped talking to the militant leader on the telephone about the $25,000 and Singh's future.
The militant group, formed in 1986, is made up of Sikhs who have tried to violently force India into letting them form their own state in the country's Punjab region. Aside from hundreds of bombings, acts of sabotage and kidnappings committed against the Indian government, the group is responsible for the murder of Chief Minister Beant Singh of Punjab in 1995, according to the U.S. Justice Department.
Awan faces a maximum of 45 years in prison when he is sentenced on March 7. He was found guilty of all counts he faced, including providing material support or resources to terrorists and money laundering to promote terrorism. Awan was detained on federal credit card fraud charges as a material witness shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.
Inside prison he met Singh, who federal authorities say he introduced to Khalistan Commando Force leader Paramjit Singh Panjwar through phone calls placed from the prison -- in the hopes that after Singh's release he would travel to Lahore, Pakistan, to join the group. But Singh turned on Awan, telling federal authorities of his relationship with Panjwar, and Awan was soon being taped talking to the militant leader on the telephone about the $25,000 and Singh's future.
The militant group, formed in 1986, is made up of Sikhs who have tried to violently force India into letting them form their own state in the country's Punjab region. Aside from hundreds of bombings, acts of sabotage and kidnappings committed against the Indian government, the group is responsible for the murder of Chief Minister Beant Singh of Punjab in 1995, according to the U.S. Justice Department.
This is again a new film story having different topic and to divert the thinkings of the people on different direction. This is unbelievable that a man in the police custody will make the blunder of this level . I hope all the humman rigths organization get involved in this case in USA that nobody get the punishment what he or she never done or not intentionally involved.This kind of the case is transparantly been solved or put them in front of all humman rights commisions because this is the mater of hummans rights and safety.
i know this man khalid awan . he is very good and a nice canadian pakistani . he is in police custody since 9/11 but now they declare him they made a story when he became from all sides innocent unbelieveable now after 5 years they declare innocent person because he is a muslim , and pakistani , look into this bogus , preplaned story /drama/a india vr pakistan film . this is a bogus film not a original to take advantage from the special indian group .
the husband of famous pakistani old dancer/filmstar mumtaz is facing preplaned /bogus case he is totally innocent .he has no any link with any wrong party/group. he is facing the case because he is a pakistani /canadian muslim .
If there is nothing related to 9/11 why this man was kept in jail for so long
and if he is pakistani, he should be handed over to pakistan government for the punishment and to enquire other kcf persons who are in pakistan
All the humanrights agencies and amnesty,ngo,s should interfere in this false ,modified case against khalid q awan canadian. hand over khalid awan to canada or pakistan .
Awan’s lawyer, Khurrum Wahid, said his client was “guilty by association” because he had invited Panjwar to his sister’s wedding on a visit to Lahore. “They didn’t have a criminal relationship, they had a completely personal relationship,” Wahid said, adding that Awan transferred the money from a US bank account to a Pakistani account that were both in his name.
see the link
Mr. Khalid Q Awan basically from Pakistan and he belongs to the Landlord family Awan of Sargodha (Khushab),He got his education from Lahore but since long time he moved in Canada in 1989 /90 permanently due to his political reasons ,he got Canadian citizen and started living in Toronto Mississauga but his whole family and relatives living in Pakistan (Khushab,Bhalwal,Sargodha,Lahore,Karachi) he is very popular/famous in his areas , after he married with famous Pakistani film star Mumtaz(Baree)of Lahore named Riffit Khalid in Toronto Mississauga .After they moved in USA for business purposes. His whole life in Pakistan (Lahore) and Canada is good, honest, and innocent.and famous with his friends in good sence.he is a well-wisher among his friends , he has nothing any minor mistake/crime in his past in Pakistan and in Canada ,even in USA.his whole life was peaceful ,good , but now after 9/11 he was arrested in Newyork just a Pakistani /Canadian Muslim rich businessman .He faced many cases since now proved not-guilty ,innocent , but FBI wants to involve him in any case to make a progress, efficiency but actually, he is totally ,complete innocent in all cases, he has no wrong links with any body in Pakistan and Canada even in USA. , he is educated, good-chracter man and well settled famous (Canadian/Pakistani national) lawyer businessman.
Please look into this matter personally because he is a Canadian Muslim innocent after 9/11 he is still in FBI custody. we need special help and attention from Canadian/Pakistani government /Amnesty international about our deep,nice,wellnatured friend khalid q awan who is still in jail in USA,because we are missing him too much. The FBI wants to involve him in bogus, preplanned, fabricated and modified cases to get special interests, so we need your special immediate help/attention because he is totally innocent in this case,this is truth .this case is being imposed upon khalid q awan He has no any criminal record in Pakistan, Canada, and USA in his whole life. Please save the life of Khalid q awan.
A VOICE OF INNOCENT KHALID AWAN CANADIAN/PAKISTANI FACING UNJUSTICE. I am 46 years old, Canadian citizen and native of Pakistan (muslim). I was an immigration consultant in Canada and as part of my business , I had an office in New York.
During 2001 immediately after the Sept 11, event the US govt arrested me on Oct 25, 2001 on anonymous call, as a material witness for the 9/11 world trade centre terrorist attack. A detail investigation by the FBI and USA Naval intelligence dept was conducted and I was cleared, but even then govt put me in front of Grand jury , and I was cleared and the case was dismissed by the Grand jury of the US Federal Court .
Approximately after 2 weeks , before I was released from custody the US Govt imposed a new charges of Fraud and money laundering , under the advice of my attorney , I pleaded guilty and I was sentenced to prison for five years (which was four years more, what I pleaded). In which I had already spent 3 years in Detention jail, during the case , I had about 14 months left to finishing my sentence ,(instead of appealing, I preferred to applied for Treaty Transfer to Canada, because if the case is in the appeal, defendant is not for transfer back to his home country).
While at prison, I learned from the case manager Miss Mause, that my citizen was incorrect in the FBOP’s (Federal Bureau of Prison) computer system as Pakistani instead of Canadian.
Its important to note , that all of my Canadian identifications (passport , citizenship card , S.I.N , Health card , Driving license etc) were under FBI’s possession, with a great deal of concern, I wrote a letter to the Canadian Consulate in Buffalo, N.Y to notify such mistake and requested them to fix this problem. This is especially important for Treaty Transfer back to Canada.
The Canadian Consulate official sent a letter to the jail to correct my citizenship status, however FBOP ignored the request and the citizenship status in the FBOP computer still reflect Pakistani instead of Canadian (Note:- I would be required to obtain visa to visit Pakistan) .In contrast , the deportation letter received from US Immigration dept, Contained the correct citizenship status of Canada.
At the hind sight, I believe that the FBOP intentionally left the citizenship as Pakistani, so that they could retained me at their facility, while the govt is planning to file new at their facility, while the govt is planning to file new charges against me 3rd time.
Approximately six weeks before my released date on Jan 30 ,2006 I was notified by the FBOP that I was being transferred from Allen wood , PA to MDC (Metropolitan Detention Centre) in Brooklyn N.Y, it was explained to me, that the purpose of this transfer was in preparation for deportation back to Canada, (after few days, I signed the immigration deportation papers, with my consular Miss Chen).
But immediately after arriving to MDC Brooklyn, I discovered during a phone call with my family in Montreal, that RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) official had contacted my sister and brother-in-law regarding the whereabouts of my wife and my current situation, there was no explanation given by the RCMP official to the purpose of the call and he left his phone number and asked my wife to call him back immediately, my wife called the RCMP official and left messages in his voice mail. Then the official contacted my brother-in-law again and had asked him to tell my wife not to call again, because there is nothing good nor anything bad.
Meanwhile the AUSA (ASH United States Attorney) office Investigator and FBI brought me to their office to be interrogated and FBI brought me to their office to be interrogated without an attorney present, even AUSA told in the court to the judge on March 16, 2006 that he arranged attorney for me, on Transcript; page 11, Transcript page no 14 to 23.
AUSA:- He (Khalid Awan) was write in the cause of a grand jury investigation. He clearly had criminal exposure. So to protect his interest I made an application to the duty magistrate for counsel to be appointed.
THE COURT:- Initially he was brought here by a Court to testify before the grand jury?
AUSA:- That is correct, Your Honour.
THE COURT:- When he arrived here, you made arrangements for an attorney to be pointed to request him?
AUSA:- Yes, Your Honour.
This interrogation started with the AUSA office Investigator stating that my family will be arrested in Canada if I refused to answer their questions.
At this point I am certain that my family is in great danger for reasons that I am not aware of. I was scared that my family would be harassed by these people along with the Canadian RCMP official, I strongly believe that the RCMP is doing this intentionally in collaboration with FBI official to further harass me to admit charges, that I never committed.
Without knowledge of the reasons why the Canadian RCMP agency was involved. I was surprised that RCMP official directly approached my family instead of me without proper explanation, and its also shocked for me, that how RCMP got the phone number of my family (because before my arrest, I don’t have any single record in any police dept, of any country).
I was intimated and pushed to the edge during this interrogation, I was determined to provide anything these USA officials wanted to make them happy even is the questions made no sense, because I want them to stop the harassment to my family.
On March 15, 2006 I completed the term of imprisonment and was to be released from American Custody and deported back to Canada. Before that I was arrested again 3rd time charged without providing “material support to a foreign terrorist” and money laundering (to a organization and person, which are not designed by the USA govt).
These charges emerged while I was still in prison and without the capability of providing any type of support. It was even difficult for me to get enough financial assistance to pay legal fees. I could not have provided any material support while I was in prison for five years and I could not launder any money because I did not have any.
AUSA filed three counts of indictment against me.
Conspiracy to provide material support.
Provide a material support to the foreign terrorist.
Money laundering to support terrorism.
(Please note, that in my previous case govt charged me for money laundering and fraud from Jan 1999 to 2002 and “its mentioned in the plea-agreement by the AUSA that no further money laundering charges will be brought against defendant from Jan 1999 to April 2002” even then govt indict me for money laundering from 1998 to Nov 2001 (Which is double Jeopardy and violation of 5th Amendment of U.S Constitution.)
In Oct 2006, during pre-trial hearing on the motion’s filed by my attorney the first two counts of my indictment were dismissed by the judge, stating that there is a lack of facts and figures.
After two weeks AUSA re-indicted me again. I believe this is a desperate act of the AUSA to cover up a huge embarrassment . Further this hastily drawn indictment was full of factual errors and creative legal theories.
Since I was first arrested by the American govt, I believe that I have been signed out, isolated and discriminated against primarily because of my race and religion, in addition to the fact that I don’t know any information that the American govt is trying to pressure out of me.
I do not understand the American laws and this is what led to my pleading guilty in the first case. I have difficulty understanding the new charges also.
I have been charged under, section 2339(a) of Title 18 of the United States code, which makes it illegal to provide material support to a foreign terrorist.
Please understand, I am not a terrorist, I do not know any terrorist and I have had no connections with or to any known or unknown terrorist. I have been incarcerated for last 5 years and I had no money to provide or launder.
The law enforcement have in America is pressuring me to provide information to them that I really do not have or know. I am a Canadian Citizen and nearly all of my family is in Canada, including my wife and kids. I don’t know any information to tell them to help their investigation.
Because of this , I am being treated unfairly and my rights under the American constitution are being violated. I am being held here in further detention against my will for crimes which I could have never committed, because I was in prison.
I believe, that I am a victim of the discrimination that was outlined in the July 3, 2006 issue of Time magazine (Page 29, column 3). In this article section 2339(a) & (b) are discussed and criticized “as most suspects are charged under these two sections. However, the justice dept here in America admits that of the more than 218 guilty pleas that it has obtained, most are for minor investigation issues that are uncovered deeding the course of their terrorism investigation. This suggest, according to the article that the Attorney General’s office have is not concerned about the rights or fairness or the manner in which it achieves convictions for the people they arrest. Furthermore, criticizes have noted that one of the patterns to emerge from these domestic prosecutions is that suspect seen too incompetent to carry out the deeds they are accused of. The Deputy Attorney General acknowledges that the Dept of Justice’s goal is “ preventions through prosecution’s” and this is done with no regard for an individual’s rights.
I agree that these guilty of terrorism should be prosecuted . But as the above mentioned article suggest , innocent people should not be targeted because of their race or religion.
I am not a terrorist and I should not be targeted and treated unfairly and unjustly.
I need your assistance desperately in my case, as I believe that I am being treated unjustly here. I would like to send you my attorney’s contact information and provide you with legal documents related to my case, so that you may become more familiar with my situation.
Please also note, that I appeared in the court , for no guilty of my 2nd superseding indictment on Aug 3, 2006 to March 6, 2007 FBOP officials placed me in the SHU (Segregation Housing Unit) out of these months, I placed in the SHU isolation from Jan 2, 2007 to March 6, 2007 for unknown “Pending Investigation” in these 215 days of my segregation and isolation, I don’t have a single phone call access to my family, no legal calls to my attorney and Canadian Council, my legal mail opened in my absence, no medical treatment for my injured shoulder (even I went for hunger strike for 3 and half day) I harassed by the various jail officials and lot of other problems too which already been submitted in the attention of the FBOP higher authorities, but no action taken on them, after writing the court, instead of receiving the response or any action on my complaints, jail officials removed /moved me from MDC federal facility to Nassau County Jail .
My suffering has gone on for far too long, and I need your help to bring my suffering to an end. I want to return home to my family .
May God bless you and be with you in your efforts to champion the cause of human rights, and the suffering of innocent prisoners and restore hope, faith and love to peoples all over the world.
FBOP NO. 50959-054
The court will announce a decision on 24 may 2007.
Mr. Khalid Awan is a dangerous person and a rogue who many years back forcibly took over a house
and all belongings of Mr. Raheel at ghosa e ahbab Lahore with the help of his gunmen.He also threatened to kill
Mr. Raheel.His dancer wife mumtaz is also an accomplice in his criminal acts.He sold the house & the rightful owner could do nothing about it. All talk about his good character is bullshit and lies. I Have started believing that
you have to pay for your sins right here in this world.Mr. Khalid Awan a disgrace to Pakistan .
.... As you sow shall you reap ..... Justice Delayed but served ....
khalid awan is not this kind man , he has differences with his wife notorious since 1 month after his marriage with mumtaz, HOW you can say these bulshits about my friend , mumtaz has different indipendent life and khalid has different independent life , khalid never interfere with mumtaz's life. ok i am his deep friend since school and college, i know him very deep , he has no any record of any bad . you suffering in misunderstanding. that is the matter of mumtaz not khalid ,mumtaz has different life and khalid has different life.khalid never interfere mumtaz'slife .this is the matter of mumtaz not khalid .
go see mumtaz dancer in lahore .
you know, mumtaz is a very famous no.1 film-actress,dancer and also very rich and very powerful .she dont need khalid,s help in her matters,and her handle ex-husband named Raheel is very easy for mumtaz ,so mumtaz dont need any help from khalid awan in her properties issues with raheel .
The homourable court will decide in end of june .
21 june 2007.
The honorable court will be in july end 2007.
now on 18 july 2007.
The honourable court will be on 18 july 2007 tuesday.
Khalid Awan will be in canada very soon. because he is innocent and he has no any link with any terror in the world.
The honourable court will be on 12-september 2007 in USA.
Salam and hello everyone..
I would just like to let all of you know that everyone who thinks wrongly about Mr. Khalid or his wife should first accquire some reasonable facts. All you people just know how to talk badly about others without having any legitimate sources. I have known Mr. Khalid and his wife for a very long time now and these two are one of the most innocent and nicest people of all time. They have done nothing except in helping people and living their lives as normal human beings. Since the surprising attacks on 9/11 their lives have become a living hell. Anyone who can help them will be thanked gratefully.
Take care and God Bless Everyone.
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